Placing Concrete by Pumping Methods

Reliability, safety and efficiency are more important than ever for the pumping of ready-mixed concrete. Especially for deadline- bound projects, conveying pipes must not fail. Single-layer ST52 pipes will wear out within very short periods of time. This results in high costs for service providers in the ready-mixed concrete industry because of downtime due to repairs, service / maintenance work or the replacement of components. Taichan have developed and produced conveying pipes, elbows and special delivery line parts for truck-mounted concrete pumps, truck mixers concrete pumps or concrete distributing booms. The two-layer TWIN PIPES achieve a service life, which is significantly longer than ST52 pipes. Our pipes are checked for their pressure resistance at regular intervals. The hardness of TWIN PIPE pipes is constant over the entire pipe length so that service intervals can be scheduled more easily. All of our products are manufactured subject to the pump manu- facturers’ specifications. The special hardening process and high-quality welding process ensure that Taichan pipes achieve a service life, which is many times longer than that of commonly available ST52 pipes with the same…